TRACE is an Italian project for the development of new instrumentation based on Si-pad technology and aiming at the detection of particle and light ions emitted either in direct or fusion evaporation reactions. The detector provides high detection efficiency, energy resolution and can support a very high counting rate due to the large segmentation. Furthermore, the modularity makes the TRACE detector a suitable device to be coupled with other detection setup for gamma rays (AGATA) and neutrons (NEDA) in experiment with radioactive beams.         

A feasibility study has been performed where the detector thickness, the segmentation and a basic geometry have been selected on some basical empirical considerations. The final prototype has been chosen among the various geometries by simulating their performances and by comparing the results with already existing detector ancillaries (EUCLIDES, MUST2, TIARA).

Among the desirable issues of this state-of-the-art silicon detector, it is worthwhile to mention the pulse shape analysis technique to discriminate ions and particles and the capability to handle thousands of channels in a compact way via ASIC electronics.
Tests have been initiated already and few telescope modules are actively employed in the AGATA campaign at LNL.   

A possible geometry of TRACE

Contact person: dr. D. Mengoni

TRACE missing link