Systems for generation and measurements of electromagnetic fields, as ie: Isotropic probes and directive antenna, Spectrum analyser.
- Agilent - Spectrum analyzer E4407B 9kHz-25.5GHz
- Agilent - Signal Generator 8648D 9kHz-4Ghz
- Hewlett Packard – synthesizer/function generator 3325A
- Agilent – preamplifier 11909-A
- Waveguide M-17/75 RG 214 - 5 meter
- Waveguide M-17/74 RG 213 - 1 meter
- Ultra wideband BiLog Antenna Schaffner CBL6111C
- Ridged Waveguide Horn Antenna, 1 GHz to 18 GHz, Agilent 11966E
- Biconical antenna Seibersdorf
- Hewlett packard - proximity probes for magnetic field HP11940A and HP11941A
Portable electromagnetic measurement system:
- Field meter PMM-8053A Narda
- PMM EHP-50C Narda - Electric and Magnetic field analyzer from 5 Hz up to 100 kHz
- Electric field probe EP-330 Narda
- SRM-3000 Narda - Selective Radiation Meter