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  1. SCORDINO A., R.GRASSO, M. GULINO, L. LANZANO, F. MUSUMECI, G. PRIVITERA, M. TEDESCO, A. TRIGLIA, L. BRIZHIK (2009). Hydration effects on photophysival properties of collagen. In: Self Organization of Molecular Systems: from Molecules and Clusters to Nanotubes and Proteins, N. Russo, V.Ya. Antonchenko And E.S. Kryachko Eds.- NATO Science for Peace and Security Series A: Chemistry and Biology vol. XIV, p. 359-383, DORDRECHT: Springer, ISBN/ISSN: 978-90-481-2483-1, doi: 10.1007/978-90-481-2590-6
  2. S.TUDISCO, L.LANZANÒ, F.MUSUMECI, L.NERI, S.PRIVITERA, A.SCORDINO, G.CONDORELLI, G.FALLICA, M.MAZZILLO, D.SANFILIPPO, G.VALVO - Bidimensional arrays of spad for time resolved single photon imagingNuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A 610 (1), 138-141 (2009) ISSN: 0168-9002, doi: 10.1016/j.nima.2009.05.164
  3. I. BARAN, C. GANEA, I. URSU, F. MUSUMECI, A. SCORDINO, S. TUDISCO, S. PRIVITERA, L. LANZANÒ, E. KATONA, V. BARAN, G.A.P. CIRRONE, G. CUTTONE, L. RAFFAELE, L.M. VALASTRO - Effects of nocodazole and ionizing radiation on cell proliferation and delayed luminescenceRomanian Journal of Physics 54 , 557-567 (2009)– ISSN 1221-14
  4. LUCA LANZANÒ, LI SUI, EVELINA COSTANZO, MARISA GULINO, AGATA SCORDINO, SALVATORE, TUDISCO, FRANCESCO MUSUMECI - Time-resolved spectral measurements of delayed luminescence from a single soybean seed: effects of thermal damage and correlation with germination performanceLuminescence 24 (6), 409-415 (2009)- DOI 10.1002/bio.1127
  5. L. NERI, S.TUDISCO, L. LANZANÒ, F. MUSUMECI, S. PRIVITERA, A. SCORDINO, G. CONDORELLI, G. FALLICA, M. MAZZILLO, D. SANFILIPPO, G. VALVO - SPID-Single Photon Imaging device – in: High Energy, Optical, and Infrared Detectors for Astronomy III, D.A. Dorn and A.D. Holland Eds, Proceedings of SPIE 7021, 702129 (11 pages) - DOI:10.1117/12.791013 -ISBN: 9780819472311 - ISSN: 0277-786X (July 22, 2008)- SPIE—The International Society for Optical Engineering
  7. S. TUDISCO, F. MUSUMECI, L. LANZANÒ, A. SCORDINO, S. PRIVITERA, A. CAMPISI, L. COSENTINO, G. CONDORELLI, P. FINOCCHIARO, G. FALLICA, S. LOMBARDO, M. MAZZILLO, D. SANFILIPPO, E. SCIACCA - A new generation of SPAD – Single Photon Avalanche Diodes - IEEE Sensors Journal 8 (7), 1324 - 1329 (2008) - DOI: 10.1109/JSEN.2008.926962
  8. A. SCORDINO, F. MUSUMECI, M. GULINO, L. LANZANÒ, S. TUDISCO, L. SUI, R. GRASSO, A. TRIGLIA – Delayed luminescence of microalgae as indicator of metal toxicity –  Journal of Physics D – Applied Physics 41 (15), 155507 (7pp) (2008) - DOI: 10.1088/0022-3727/41/15/155507   
  9. LUCA LANZANÒ, ROSARIA GRASSO, MARISA GULINO, PAOLO BELLIA, FILIPPO FALCIGLIA, AGATA SCORDINO, SALVATORE TUDISCO, ANTONIO TRIGLIA, FRANCESCO MUSUMECI - Corresponding  Measurements of Delayed Luminescence and Impedance Spectroscopy on Acupuncture Points - Indian Journal of Experimental Biology 46 (5), 364-370 (2008)
  10. HUGO J. NIGGLI, SALVATORE TUDISCO, LUCA LANZANÒ, LEE ANN APPLEGATE, AGATA SCORDINO and FRANCO MUSUMECI - Laser-Ultraviolet-A induced ultraweak photon emission in human skin cells: A biophotonic comparision between keratinocytes and fibroblasts - Indian Journal of Experimental Biology 46 (5), 358-363 (2008)
  11. EVELINA COSTANZO, MARISA GULINO, LUCA LANZANÒ, FRANCESCO MUSUMECI, AGATA SCORDINO, SALVATORE TUDISCO, LI SUI - Single seed viability checked  by Delayed Luminescence - European Biophysics Journal with Biophysics Letters 37 (2), 235-238 (2008) - DOI : 10.1007/s00249-007-0221-8 - ISSN 0175-7571 (Print) 1432-1017
  12. G. PRIVITERA, S. TUDISCO, L. LANZANO’, F. MUSUMECI, S. PRIVITERA, A. SCORDINO, D. TUDISCO; M. MAZZILLO; G. CONDORELLI - Single photon spectrometer for biomedical application: new developments – in: Diagnostic Optical Spectroscopy in Biomedicine IV, Dietrich Schweitzer; Maryann Fitzmaurice, Editors, Proceedings of SPIE 6628, 66281B (9 pages) - DOI:10.1117/12.727781 - ISBN: 9780819467720 (July 6, 2007) SPIE—The International Society for Optical Engineering
  13. S. TUDISCO; S. PRIVITERA; F. MUSUMECI; L. LANZANÒ; A. SCORDINO; A. CAMPISI; L. COSENTINO; P. FINOCCHIARO; G. FALLICA; S. LOMBARDO; M. MAZZILLO; D. SANFILIPPO; E. SCIACCA; G. VALVO - A new generation of SPAD: single photon avalanche diodes – in: Third European Workshop on Optical Fibre Sensors, A. Cutolo, B. Culshaw, S. M. Lopez-Higuera, Editors – Proceedings of SPIE 6619, 66193N (4 pages) - DOI: 10.1117/12.738659 – ISBN: 9780819467614 (July 4, 2007) - SPIE—The International Society for Optical Engineering
  14. S. TUDISCO; S. PRIVITERA; F. MUSUMECI; L. LANZANÒ; A. SCORDINO; A. CAMPISI; L. COSENTINO; G. CONDORELLI; P. FINOCCHIARO; S. LOMBARDO; M. MAZZILLO; E. SCIACCA - A single photon avalanche detector: SPAD – in: Photonic Materials, Devices, and Applications II, Ali Serpengüzel; Gonçal Badenes; Giancarlo C. Righini, Editors, Proceedings of SPIE 6593, 65932C (5 pages) – DOI: 10.1117/12.729204 – ISBN: 9780819467218 (May 28, 2007) - SPIE—The International Society for Optical Engineering
  15. S. TUDISCO, S. PRIVITERA, L. LANZANO’, F. MUSUMECI, A. PLUCHINO, A. SCORDINO, L. COSENTINO, P. FINOCCHIARO, G. CONDORELLI, M. MAZZILLO, S. LOMBARDO AND E. SCIACCA - The new generation of SPAD—Single-Photon Avalanche Diodes arrays - Il Nuovo Cimento C 30 (5), 535-542 (2007) -  DOI:  10.1393/ncc/i2008-10266-8
  16. LUCA LANZANÒ, AGATA SCORDINO, SIMONA PRIVITERA, SALVATORE TUDISCO, FRANCESCO MUSUMECI - Spectral analysis of delayed luminescence from human skin as a possible non-invasive diagnostic toolEuropean Biophysics Journal with Biophysics Letters 36 (7), 823-829 (2007) - DOI 10.1007/s00249-007-0156-0 – ISSN 0175-7571 (Print) 1432-1017
  17. A. CAMPISI, L. COSENTINO, P. FINOCCHIARO, A. PAPPALARDO, F. MUSUMECI, S. PRIVITERA, A. SCORDINO, S. TUDISCO, G. FALLICA, D. SANFILIPPO, M. MAZZILLO, G. CONDORELLI, A. PIAZZA, G. VALVO, S. LOMBARDO, E. SCIACCA, G. BONANNO, M. BELLUSO - Multipixel geiger-mode photon detectors for ultra-weak light sources - Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A 571 (1-2), 350-354 (2007) – DOI: 10.1016/j.nima.2006.10.107
  18. P. FINOCCHIARO, A. CAMPISI, L. COSENTINO, A. PAPPALARDO, F. MUSUMECI, S. PRIVITERA, A. SCORDINO, S. TUDISCO, G. FALLICA, D. SANFILIPPO, M. MAZZILLO, A. PIAZZA, J. VAN ERPS, S. VAN OVERMEIRE, M. VERVAEKE , B. VOLCKAERTS , P. VYNCK, A. HERMANNES, H.THIENPONT, S. LOMBARDO, E. SCIACCA – SPAD arrays and micro-optics: towards a real single photon spectrometerJournal of Modern Optics 54 (2-3), 199-212 (2007) - DOI: 10.1080/09500340600769901
  19. P. FINOCCHIARO, A. CAMPISI, L. COSENTINO, A. PAPPALARDO, F. MUSUMECI, S. PRIVITERA, A. SCORDINO, S. TUDISCO, G. FALLICA, D. SANFILIPPO, M. MAZZILLO, A. PIAZZA, J. VAN ERPS, M. VERVAEKE, B. VOLCKAERTS, P. VYNCK, A. HERMANNE, H. THIENPONT, S. LOMBARDO, E. SCIACCA - A new generation of low-voltage single-photon micro-sensors with timing capability - Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research A 567 , 83-88 (2006) – DOI: 10.1016/j.nima.2006.05.216
  20. S. TUDISCO, L. COSENTINO, G. FALLICA, P. FINOCCHIARO. A. HERMANNE, F. MUSUMECI, A. SCORDINO, D. SANFILIPPO, G. PRIVITERA, S. PRIVITERA, H. THIENPONT, M. VERVAEKE, B. VOLCKAERTS, P. VYNCK – SINPHOS – SINgle PHOton Spectrometer for biomedical applicationsNuclear Physics B (Proceedings Supplemets) 150, 317-320 (2006) - doi:10.1016/j.nuclphysbps.2004.11.391
  21. MAE-WAN HO, ZHOU YU-MING, JULIAN HAFFEGEE, ANDY WATTON, FRANCO MUSUMECI, GIUSEPPE PRIVITERA, AGATA SCORDINO AND ANTONIO TRIGLIA - The liquid crystalline organism and biological water – in: Water and the Cell, G.H. Pollack, I.L. Cameron and D.N. Wheatley, Eds., Springer (2006), pp.219–234 - ISBN: 978-1-4020-4926-2 
  22. P. FINOCCHIARO, L. COSENTINO, G. FALLICA, S. LOMBARDO, M. MAZZILLO, F. MUSUMECI, A. PIAZZA, G. PRIVITERA, S. PRIVITERA, E. RIMINI, D. SANFILIPPO, E. SCIACCA, A. SCORDINO, S. TUDISCO - Test of Scintillator Readout with New Single Photon Avalanche PhotodiodesIEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science 52 (6), 3040-3046 (2005) -  DOI: 10.1109/TNS.2005.862912
  23. GULINO M., BELLIA P., FALCIGLIA F., MUSUMECI F., PAPPALARDO A., SCORDINO A., TRIGLIA A. – Role of water content in dielectric properties and delayed luminescence of bovine Achilles’ tendonFEBS Letters 579 (27), 6101-6104 (2005) – DOI: 10.1016/j.febslet.2005.09.077
  24. F. MUSUMECI, G. PRIVITERA, A. SCORDINO, S. TUDISCO, C. LO PRESTI, L. A. APPLEGATE, H. J. NIGGLI - Discrimination between normal and cancer cells by using spectral analysis of delayed luminescenceApplied Physics Letters 86 (15), 153902 (3 pag) (2005)
  25. F. MUSUMECI, L. A. APPLEGATE, G. PRIVITERA, A. SCORDINO, S. TUDISCO,  H. J. NIGGLI - Spectral analysis of laser-induced ultraweak delayed luminescence in cultured  normal and tumor cells: Temperature dependenceJournal of Photochemistry & Photobiology B 79(2), 93-99 (2005) – DOI: 10.1016/j.jphotobiol.2004.12.002
  26. H.J. NIGGLI, S. TUDISCO, G. PRIVITERA, L. A. APPLEGATE, A. SCORDINO, F. MUSUMECI - Laser-Ultraviolet-A induced ultraweak photon emission in mammalian cellsJournal of Biomedical Optics 10 (2), 024006 (6 pag) (2005) – DOI: 10.1117/1.1899185 



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