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Full Professor of Applied Physics 
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+39 095 542 464

INFN - Laboratori Nazionali del Sud, via S.Sofia 62, 95123 Catania, Italy
Dipartimento di Fisica e Astronomia, via Santa Sofia, 64, 95123 Catania, Italy


He was born in Catania, Italy, on March 16, 1949.

He is Full Professor of Applied Physics at the University of Catania.

In the past time has carried out its research activity on the field of the solar energy conversion, of the interaction between electromagnetic waves and metallic rough surfaces and of the low-frequency dielectric property of watery solutions. Currently he works in studying the ultraweak photon emission from the living systems both spontaneous and photoinduced and its applications in Medicine and Biology.

His activity has been spread out through several invited talks in numerous international conferences and numerous seminaries in Italy and in the foreign countries.

He is member of the INFN, has been member of the International Institute of Biophysics (IIB) of Neuss since 1994, has been and is scientific person in charge of researches supported by C.N.R, INFM, CRRFNSM, INFN, Catania University and MURST.

He has carried out about 100 contributions in national and international conferences and is author of about 110 papers on international scientific magazines and books and national scientific magazines. He has been scientific responsible on:  

  • "Photon emission from biological Matter" supported by I.N.F.M.  
  • "Potential applications of D.L. from living systems" supported by University of Catania.
  • Advanced research project COEBIO "COherent Emission from BIological Objects"supported by I.N.F.M.  
  • National projects DELOS "Delayed Luminescence for Optical Screening", SINPHOS "SIngle PHOton Spectrometer", SINPHOS2 and TRIS supported by I.N.F.N.  
  • " Water Pollution Detection by Enzyme Biosensors and Ultraweak Radiation Measurements." CLUSTER C11  
  • AMBIENTE TERRESTRE (national coordinator E. Bellotti) supported by MURST  
  • Project “Analysis of water pollution by means of Photo-induced luminescence” supported by Sicilian Regional Operating Programme.

His research activity has been spread at an international level and, in this frame, he has been visiting professor at Kyoto University and at the University of Washington.


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