Professore Associato, Florence University
Office: 299. Phone: +39 055 457 2313
E-mail: giulio.pettini AT unifi.it
Publications: INSPIRE , Web of Science
Personal web page
Research topics: Ultracold atoms, optical lattices, tight-binding models, Wannier functions, honeycomb lattices, topological phases, phase transitions, microcanonical ensemble.
Research interests
We study the ab-initio building of tight-binding models describing ultracold atoms trapped in spatially periodic optical lattices and related phenomena which can occur in these systems, from anomalous transport to topological phases or effective hamiltonians when these systems are time-periodically driven in the fast driving regime. Another line of research interest concerns the relation among topology and phase transitions in classical systems through a microcanonical ensemble approach to their dynamics. Past research activity: models to describe the chiral phase transition at high temperature and/or densities via an effective action approach.