The Physics and Astronomy Department is located in the area of “Polo Scientifico” in Sesto Fiorentino, that is outside Florence past the airport (FLR).
The main entrance is in Via Sansone 1 and the Theory Group wing is located at the 2nd floor, opposite to the main entrance.
See the Google Map
Starting from the main railway station, Firenze S.M.N., or, more generally, from downtown Florence, we suggest four possible ways:
1) train “Firenze SMN” to “Firenze Rifredi”. The trip takes 10 minutes and there are departures about every 10-15 minutes. Several trains to local destinations stop at Firenze Rifredi. Please check the paper timetable on the panels or ask google.
+ Bus number 59. Direction “Polo Scientifico”. The bus stop is in Via Panciatichi, bus stop “Firenze Nova”: you should exit from the train station on the left side of the railway tracks, on arriving from the central station; then continue orthogonal to tracks reaching the wide via Panciatichi. The bus stop is on this road on your left. The bus trip takes 10 minutes but the bus only goes every 30-40 minutes. Get off from the bus at the last stop “Schiff” that is in front of the Chemistry Department, opposite to the Physics Department. From the bus stop there is a little path that crosses the field and reaches the Physics Department: the entrance is on the right side as you face the building.
2) Bus number 23. You can take this bus from central train station and also from the centre. Take the one directed to “Nuova Scuola Carabinieri”, till the bus stop “Petrocchi”. The bus comes every 5-10 minutes and the trip takes 20-30 minutes.
+ Bus number 59 (direction: “Polo scientifico”); the bus stop is the same as the one you arrived to by bus 23.
3) Tram T1. You can take it from central train station or along the way. Take the one directed to “Careggi -Ospedale”, till the bus stop “Morgagni -Universita’”. It comes every 5 minutes and the trip takes 15 minutes. On exit, walk backward on Viale Morgagni till you meet the crossing with Via Dino del Garbo.
+ Bus number 59 (direction: “Polo scientifico”); the bus stop is in Via del Garbo, on your left at the crossing
4) Taxi, fare around 25-35 Euro depending on traffic.
In all cases the trip takes from 30 min (taxi) to 1 hour (public transportations). Getting a ride from a colleague is often useful.
The bus ticket is valid for the train as well the bus-tram (one ticket for the whole trip). Please remember to stamp your ticket on the bus or in railway station at the yellow stamping machines, before getting on the train. Bus/tram timetables in English can be found on the Autolinee Toscane web page