Florence Theory Group

Andrea Cappelli

Dirigente di Ricerca, INFN Florence

Office: 318. Phone: +39 055 457 2323

E-mail: andrea.cappelli AT fi.infn.it


Personal web page

Research topics: Conformal Invariance in two and higher dimensions; Statistical Field Theory; Effective Field Theories of Topological States of Matter; W-infinity symmetry.

Research interests

I am working in so-called Statistical Field Theory, namely the application of quantum field theory methods to condensed matter physics and statistical mechanics. I have been applying exact solutions of low-dimensional field theory, such as those based on conformal invariance and integrability, as well as other non-perturbative methods involving new mathematical tools, quantum anomalies and topological gauge theories. In particular, I developed effective field theories of the quantum Hall effect using conformal and W-infinity symmetry. My present focus is on topological phases of matter in three spatial dimensions and bosonization of their massless fermionic excitations.