Professore Associato, Florence University
Office: 295. Phone: +39 055 457 2300
E-mail: colferai AT fi.infn.it
Publications: INSPIRE
Research topics: perturbative QCD, high-energy physics, physics at colliders, jet physics, soft and collinear factorization in QCD, gravitational radiation, models of quantum gravity.
Research interests
My research activity is mainly devoted to phenomenological studies of QCD at high-energy colliders. In particular, I investigate BFKL dynamics in hadronic collisions by studying dijet production with large rapidity separation,and virtual photon cross section at high energy lepton colliders. I am currently computing these processes by combining BFKL resummation and renormalization-group improvement. I am also studying the structure of infrared factorization of QCD scattering amplitudes in various soft and collinear limits. These studies are suitable for process-independent resummations of large classes of observables, and can also shed light on possible factorization breaking effects for multijet hard-scattering processes in hadron collisions. Another research topic I am pursuing is gravitational scattering at transplanckian energies. By means of an effective-action (ACV) model, I am investigating the infrared features of gravitational radiation occurring in high-energy collisions, in particular the energy spectrum. I am developing a factorization formula for multiple soft-graviton emission and soft theorems at sub-sub-leading level.