Ricercatore, Florence University
Office: . Phone: +39 055 457
E-mail: marko.simonovic AT unifi.it
Publications: INSPIRE
Personal web page
Research topics: Inflation, CMB, large-scale structure, QFT and EFT methods applied to cosmology
Research interests
My research interests are mainly focused on theoretical cosmology, broadly defined. Most of my work revolves around applying QFT and EFT methods in oder to study the origin and evolution of cosmological fluctuations at different epochs in the history of the universe. I have been working on the EFT of inflation, primordial non-Gaussianities, soft theorems for cosmological fluctuations and Cosmic Microwave Background. More recently my main focus is on applications of the EFT of large-scale structure to galaxy clustering in order to predict the nonlinear evolution of density fluctuations in the late universe. Given a large volume of new observations expected in the near future, the aim of this program is to test for new physics beyond the standard cosmological model and answer some of the open questions in cosmology.