Scientific staff

Stefania De Curtis
stefania.decurtis AT
room: 325 (INFN staff)
The main topic which has been present in a large part of my scientific activity is the dynamical symmetry breaking phenomenon both in strong and electroweak interactions. I’m working on the formulation of Beyond Standard Model (BSM) scenarios deriving by a strong underlying dynamics and study their experimental manifestations at present and future particle accelerators. I’m also interested in addressing the cosmological implications of a strongly interacting completion of the SM.

giuliano.panico AT
room: 296 (UNIFI staff)
My research activity is mainly focused on the study the Higgs, electroweak and flavor dynamics in the Standard Model and its extensions. My interests range from the theoretical analysis of new-physics theories, to more phenomenological subjects oriented to collider experiments and cosmology. At present I am also interested in artificial intelligence applications for high-energy particle physics.

Michele Redi
michele.redi AT
room: 302 (INFN staff)
I work at the interface between particles physics and cosmology. I am broadly interested in theoretical aspects of physics beyond the SM. Currently the main focus of my research is dark matter and strongly coupled extensions of the SM.

Diego Redigolo
diego.redigolo AT
room: 291 (INFN staff)
As a theorist, I am interested in exploring new ideas beyond the Standard Model and finding new ways of testing them at colliders and in cosmological and astrophysical observables. Recently I am interested in 21cm cosmology, gravitational waves signals and new searches for exotic physics at colliders.

Andrea Tesi
andrea.tesi AT
room: 292 (INFN staff)
I am interested in new physics beyond the Standard Model that can be investigated by means of theoretical and phenomenological approaches. Recently, I became interested in cosmology, since it can offer new ways to test fundamental physics, for example through the study of Dark Matter and cosmological transitions in the Early Universe.

Mariapaola Lombardo
lombardo AT
room: (INFN staff)
I am a theoretical high energy and computational physicist specialising in lattice field theory, with focus on strongly coupled gauge theories. In the context of BSM physics my main current interests are the QCD axion, composite Higgs and dilaton physics, and models for Dark Matter based on strong dynamics.

Daniele Dominici
dominici AT
room: 311 (UNIFI staff)
Post-doctoral researchers

Raghuveer Garani
garani AT
room: (INFN postdoc)
I am interested in new physics beyond the Standard Model that can be investigated by means of theoretical and phenomenological approaches. Recently, I became interested in cosmology, since it can offer new ways to test fundamental physics, for example through the study of Dark Matter and cosmological transitions in the Early Universe.

Michele Tammaro
(INFN postdoc)
My research interests focus on the phenomenology of new physics models at present and future experiments. In particular I study new physics effects in the flavour and neutrino sectors of the Standard Model, in the context of effective field theories.
I also work on new approaches to high energy cosmic rays data analysis, developing new statistical models with the potential of machine learning tools applications.
Former Members
- Chen Zhang, now at
- Luigi Delle Rose, now at
- Rafael Delgado López, now at