2023 International Cosmic Day
The 12th International Cosmic Day will take place on November 21, 2023 at the Physics building. The International Cosmic Day (ICD) is dedicated to cosmic rays, which constantly surround us…
PhD school in Experimental Physics
University of Siena & INFN Gruppo Collegato di Siena - https://web.infn.it/GC-Siena
The 12th International Cosmic Day will take place on November 21, 2023 at the Physics building. The International Cosmic Day (ICD) is dedicated to cosmic rays, which constantly surround us…
On October 23rd, 2023 the student Omorjit Singh Khwairakpam will defend the thesis on Study, Development and Optimization of Laser Resonant Photo-Ionization processes applied to species of interest for the…
On October 19th and 26th, the PhD students of 2nd year will present their seminars for admission to third year. Check the Indico pages for details
The MAGIC telescopes celebrates 20 years of operation! MAGIC is a stereoscopic system, which consists of two 17-m diameter mirror dish telescopes located at 2200m a.s.l. on the Canary Island…
On September 21st, 2023 Sofia Ventura from cycle 34 successfully defended her PhD thesis on “Non-Thermal Features in TeV-Blazars and the Galactic Center Region with MAGIC and Prospects for CTA”.…