TOSCA Conference – 28-31 October 2024
The Topical Overview on Star Cluster Astrophysics (TOSCA) workshop aims at creating a common environment for different astrophysical communities to have a joint and comprehensive discussion on the physics of…
PhD school in Experimental Physics
University of Siena & INFN Gruppo Collegato di Siena -
The Topical Overview on Star Cluster Astrophysics (TOSCA) workshop aims at creating a common environment for different astrophysical communities to have a joint and comprehensive discussion on the physics of…
Aula Magna del Rettorato Banchi di Sotto, 55 – Siena Il giorno 1° ottobre dalle ore 9:30 presso l’Aula Magna del Rettorato si svolgerà l’evento dal titolo “Giornata della Ricerca…
Data: 27/09/2024 Ora: 15:00 Luogo: Siena Indirizzo: Santa Maria della Scala Cosa sono i raggi gamma? Quali sorgenti del nostro Universo sono capaci di produrli? In questo evento conosceremo meglio…
On July 11th, 2024 Andrea Lorini and Marco Mattiazzi from cycle 36 successfully defended their PhD thesis on “MAGIC Observations of the Blazar TON 116 in a Multi-wavelength Context” and…
Mercoledì, 20 Dicembre, 2023 – 12:00 The 3-Minute-Thesis Competition (3MT) is an academic competition in which PhD students present their research results to a general audience in less than three…
Orizzonti della Ricerca: incontro con le ricercatrici e i ricercatori del PNRR Siena – Aula Magna del Rettorato, Banchi di sotto 55mercoledì 20 marzo 20249:00 Saluti istituzionali Roberto Di Pietra,…
Get ready for the new cycle of PhD lectures… Check out the Indico pages now!
The 2023 edition of the Christmas seminars has been a success, more than 25 students have followed the interesting slides presented by the students. We wish all of them a…
The PhD students from cycles 37, 38 and 39 will give introductory presentations on their background and PhD work activity. The meeting will be held in Sala Riunioni starting at…
Every year during the Christmas period, an event is made in the form of a virtual game in order for MAGICians to spend some time together.This year, a Kahoot challenge…