PhD Seminars, Dec 17-18, 2024
On December 17th and 18th the PhD students will present the seminars for admission to the second and third year of the PhD school in Experimental Physics. The presentations will…
PhD school in Experimental Physics
University of Siena & INFN Gruppo Collegato di Siena -
On December 17th and 18th the PhD students will present the seminars for admission to the second and third year of the PhD school in Experimental Physics. The presentations will…
On November 11th, 2024 Alberto Arzenton from cycle 37 successfully defended his PhD thesis on “Towards 111Ag as a medical radionuclide: from production and laser photo-ionisation to cell dosimetry and…
Polo Universitario di San MiniatoDr. Emanuele MarsiliQuantum Computing Scientist at Airbus, Bristol (UK) 12/11/202416:00 – 18:00Aula 12b Lecture 1: Introduction to Quantum ComputingFundamentals of Quantum MechanicsQbits and Quantum Gates 13/11/202414:00…
On July 11th, 2024 Andrea Lorini and Marco Mattiazzi from cycle 36 successfully defended their PhD thesis on “MAGIC Observations of the Blazar TON 116 in a Multi-wavelength Context” and…
Get ready for the new cycle of PhD lectures… Check out the Indico pages now!
Students of the past Physics studies will give next Thursday 21st, December 2023, a series of presentations for all students. Thursday 21st December 2023, Aula 5 (Palazzina di fisica)Program09.15-09.30 –…
December 5, 2.30 pm, Sala Cripta Complesso Universitario S. Francesco (Piazza San Francesco, 7 Siena) Abstract:Can we know what “reality” is? Are there fundamental limits to knowledge? In this interdisciplinary…
On November 16th and 23rd, the PhD students of 2nd year will present their seminars for admission to third year. Check the Indico pages for details
On October 23rd, 2023 the student Omorjit Singh Khwairakpam will defend the thesis on Study, Development and Optimization of Laser Resonant Photo-Ionization processes applied to species of interest for the…
On October 19th and 26th, the PhD students of 2nd year will present their seminars for admission to third year. Check the Indico pages for details