On November 16th and 23rd, the PhD students of 2nd year will present their seminars for admission to third year. Check the Indico pages for details
- Thursday, 16 November
- 11:00 → 11:20 State-of-the-art of Shashlik calorimeters
Speaker: Franjo Podobnik - 11:30 → 11:50 State-of-the-art of dual readout calorimeters (Scintillation + Cherenkov)
Speaker: Mina Maghami - 12:00 → 12:20 Solid state waveguide lasers
Speaker: Francesco Caminati - 12:30 → 12:50 Wavelength-dependent light-scattering for tissue diagnosis
Speaker: Alberto Arzenton
- 11:00 → 11:20 State-of-the-art of Shashlik calorimeters
- Thursday, 23 November
- 10:30 → 10:50 TORCH: a large area T0F detector
Speaker: Matteo Da Valle - 11:00 → 11:20 Light-Scattering methods for tissue diagnosis
Speaker: Mina Maghami - 11:30 → 11:50 Laser Photo-Ionization and Detection Techniques
Speaker: Matteo Feltre - 12:00 → 12:20 Graph neural networks for neutrino telescope event reconstruction
Speaker: Roberto Cappuccio (I.N.F.N.)
- 10:30 → 10:50 TORCH: a large area T0F detector