A Workshop on cryogenic readout electronics for Ge detectors will be held on Feb 15-16

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About 30 people from all around the world (Italy, Germany, U.K., U.S., China) with recognized expertise in the field of electronics, detector readout, cryogenic experiments, will join and attend the workshop organized by the LEGEND collaboration, which will be held at the Physics Department, Università degli Studi di Milano/I.N.F.N. Milano,  on the 15th and 16th of February 2018.

The LEGEND collaboration aims at searching for neutrinoless double beta  decays in 76Ge at the INFN Gran Sasso underground laboratories (LNGS), Abruzzo, Italy.

Being one of the rarest and most difficult events to observe in the universe, its signature can be clearly identified only within experiments designed to reduce the frequency of any other natural decay by orders of magnitude, with respect to our everyday life experience.

Two currently active experiments are already looking for this kind of  decays in 76Ge: one based at LNGS, GERDA and the other in the United States, MAJORANA. The LEGEND collaboration, thanks to their combined expertise, technology and detectors will be able to significantly improve in a few years of data taking  the results independently obtained so far  .

Besides being underground and other techniques to reduce the influence of the background events, the Ge LEGEND detectors will be kept  at -185 Celsius inside liquid Argon, as in GERDA. This will provide not only the cryogenic temperature required to operate the detectors, but also some active shielding against the external radioactivity. As a consequence, the front-end readout electronics, in addition to being extremely sensitive, low-noise and composed only by extremely radio-pure materials, will also need to work at cryogenic temperature.

In this workshop we will compare the experience achieved in the past years by several international research groups and define the pathways towards the future LEGEND Ge readout electronics. 

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