In the last decade, exciting new insights on quantum gravity came from the interplay of holography and quantum information theory, with the radical idea that spacetime, together with its topology, geometry and macroscopic dynamics may emerge as a manifestation of the entanglement of its fundamental quantum constituents.
In different ways, non-perturbative, background independent approaches to quantum gravity and string theory today share a picture where spacetime as a continuum fails at very short distances and very high energies. At the microscopic level, the geometric description of spacetime is encoded into purely combinatorial and algebraic degrees of freedom.
In this framework, our work focusses on the problem of emergence of continuum spacetime geometry from the quantum layer of description in non-perturbative approaches to quantum gravity. We combine tensor network techniques, quantum information theory and statistical mechanics to investigate the relation between the entanglement structure of generalised spin network states of quantum geometry, their holographic properties and their geometric characterisation. In this sense, we work in the mathematical formalism of Group Field Theories, a promising convergence of insights and results from matrix models, loop quantum gravity and simplicial approaches.
In this framework, spin networks states provide a generalized quantum computational framework for investigating the nature of the gravitational field in the quantum regime in terms of entangled multi qudit states.
Ongoing work:
- Holographic entanglement in spin network states
- Multipartite entanglement in quantum spacetime via typical Rényi negativity in random spin network states
- Toward local holography in gravity: edge modes, open systems and Dirac structures to glue spacetime patches
- Quantum Gravity Magic: measuring complexity of quantum geometry beyond entanglement