The highly segmented dual-readout crystal calorimeter for IDEA
The IDEA Dual-Readout (DR) Crystal calorimeter section is designed to achieve an electromagnetic energy resolution better than 3%√E ⊕ 1% and includes the simultaneous readout of scintillation and Cherenkov photons which, integrated with the DR fiber hadronic calorimeter section, can provide a hadronic energy resolution of about 30%√E ⊕ 3%.
Another key feature compared to state-of-the-art homogeneous electromagnetic calorimeters is the
boosted transverse granularity and longitudinal segmentation which constitute powerful handles for
particle identification and global event reconstruction based on the particle flow approach.
Candidate crystals are PWO, BGO and BSO due to their high density and high Cherenkov yield while Silicon Photomultipliers represent the baseline technology for the detection of optical photons from the crystals. Customized and thin optical filters are also required to filter out scintillation light from the reading of the two SiPMs attached to the crystal in order to achieve a high purity Cherenkov signal.
INFN Activities
INFN activities span from the study and optimization of the crystal, SiPM and optical filter technological choices to the construction and testing of a full containment calorimeter prototype.