The WP1 oversees the work for the fast and full simulation implementation of the IDEA concept and the overall software needs. WG1 conveners also coordinate the physics analyses work and insures communication and visibility of the results within the CERN FCC-Physics Programme/Performance groups.

Patrizia Azzi - INFN-PD

Nicola de Filippis - Politecnico Bari
Simulation & Software Activities
- Fast Simulation (Delphes) tracking and vertexing (F. Bedeschi), physics validation (S. Braibant)
- Full Simulation (G4) IDEA complete description (W. Elmenetawee)
- Full Simulation (G4) Drift Chamber description (G. Tassielli, F. Grancagnolo, M. Primavera)
- Full Simulation Dual Readout Calorimeter (R. Ferrari, G. Gaudio, R. Santoro, I. Vivarelli, L. Pezzotti, et al. )
- Full Simulation DR Crystal option (M. Lucchini)
- Full Simulation Muon Detector (P. Giacomelli, G. Cibinetto, I. Garzia)
- EDM4HEP integration of IDEA description (L. Lavezzi)
Computing management
Disk space and CPU available at CNAF for production and processing.
Algorithms development
- PID in Calo (photon/pi0) (L. Pezzotti, J. Vivarelli, A. Villa)
- Tau-ID with AI in DR Calo (S. Giagu, L. Torresi, M. DeFilippo)
- Particle-Flow Reco (B. Di Micco, A. D’Onofrio, I. Vivarelli, S. Vallecorsa, P. Azzi )
Physics Analyses
- ZH recoil (Z->mumu), Delphes+FCCSW (S. Braibant, G. Ortona)
- Search for ALPS in 3 gamma, Delphes (L. Pezzotti, G. Polesello)
- W mass/width at threshold and above, (P. Azzurri)
- Top properties at threshold & Top FCNC, (P. Azzi, R. Rossin)
- Afb(bb,cc) (M. Cobal, G. Panizzo, G.Guerrieri, M. Pinamonti)
- Multiboson couplings (F.Bedeschi, P.Azzurri, P.Spagnolo, P.Francavilla, C.Roda, G.Chiarelli, S.Leone, F.Ligabue )
- Bs→DsK and Bs→J/ѱϕ (M. Scodeggio, F. Cuna)

Artist rendition of a heavy neutral lepton produced at the Z