Meeting general objectives:
- to share among scientific partners the main achievements in the implementation of the TAPs (quantitative and qualitative data)
- to share among scientific partners difficulties in the implementation of the TAPs and strategies to overcome the difficulties
- to share among partners suggestions for further improvements
- to define the last steps of dissemination strategy: how to close effectively Genis Lab and disseminate results, how to organize the final Conference
- to agree among technical partners the draft index for Genis Lab Guidelines
NB: this is the last chances for partners to meet before the end of the project
16h June
Chair: Sandra Martinka
9.00 – 9.30 Welcome address and presentation of the Leibniz-Institut für Polymerforschung Dresden e.V.: Prof. Dr. Brigitte Voit, Managing Director/Chief Scientific Officer of the ''Leibniz-InstitutfürPolymerforschung e.V.''
9.30 – 10.00 “Realising Potential: The Leibniz-Mentoring Program for Women in Academia”:
Dr. Sabine Müller, research officer of the Leibniz Association, Department equal opportunity and mentoring for women
10.00 – 10.15 Update on Genis Lab project activities, Barbara De Micheli
10.15 – 10.30 Coffee Break
10.30 – 12.00 Update on TAP Implementation - part 1
Chair: Benedetta Magri
Each partner presents the main achievements/difficulties in own TAP implementation.
Focus should be on concrete actions and monitoring indicators.
Partners will make their presentation on the basis of the narrative report shared with technical partners within the 30 of May. Each partners has 15 minutes to present the results in all the 3 dimensions. 15 minutes of questions/suggestions follow each presentation
Partners should provide quantitative data (on the basis of indicators in their TAPs) and qualitative data
12.00 – 13.00 - Lunch
13.00 – 14. 30Update on TAP Implementation - part 2
Chair: Flavia Zucco – Claudia Grasso
Each partner presents the main achievements/difficulties in own TAP implementation.
Focus should be on concrete actions and monitoring indicators.
Partners will make their presentation on the basis of the narrative report shared with technical partners within the 30 of May. Each partners has 15 minutes to present the results in all the 3 dimensions.15 minutes of questions/suggestions follow each presentation
Partners should provide quantitative data (on the basis of indicators in their TAPs) and qualitative data
14.30 – 16.30 Lessons learnt in Genis Lab: suggestion for Guide Lines
A focus group session will be made in order to discuss among partners on the lessons learnt while implementing the TAPs and to collect inputs for the preparation of Genis LAB guidelines on structural change in scientific organisations
Guiding questions will be:
- In the process of definition and implementation of the TAP, which have been the most important difficulties/challenges?
- What could have been improved in the implementation of the process? Which have been the critical steps?
- What can be done in the future, to support women career in science?
- At organizational level
- At EU level
- What have been successful strategies that have brought about positive change in the organisation?"
- "What external help would you need to further support women's scientific careers?
- What further research or action you think you would need in this field?
Angela Genova will lead the session (Including Coffee break with Coffee and cake)
16.30 – 17.15 Evaluation – update on evaluation process and further steps - Barbara De Micheli
17.15 – 18 Dissemination/Awareness Raising Campaign
- Photo Contest and alternative initiatives
- Planning for the final conference in Dresden Dec 2014
- presentation of other closing dissemination activities
18.00End of 1st day
19.00 Social dinner at Restaurant “Chiaveri” with view to the river Elbe (Bernhard-von-Lindenau-Platz 1, 01067 Dresden)
17th June
9:00 – 10.00 Steering Committee
11.00 – 13.00 Technical partners meeting on the finalisation of the Guidelines
13.00 End of the conference
13.00 possibility of lunch in our canteen
14.00 possibility of IPF Lab Tour