About us
The HEPscape project was conceived and developed by the researchers of the Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (INFN), Section of Rome. The founders of the projects are Drs Pia Astone, Francesca Cavallari, Chiara Rovelli and Livia Soffi. The project was realized with the support of the Section of Rome through its director, Dr. Aleandro Nisati, the Department of Physics of Sapienza University of Rome and the INFN Third Mission Committee. Many researchers from other research institutes and professors of the Department also contribute to the project. The project leaders are high-energy physics researchers and have been collaborating with the Compact Muon Solenoid (CMS) experiment for years, located at the CERN laboratory in Geneva.

Besides contributing to HEPscape, the researchers of the section also contribute to many other INFN outreach activities such as INFN Kids, International Masterclasses, Lab2Go and FISICAST. The success of the HEPscape! project has led to its replication from the Rome section – where it was founded – to other INFN Sections, such as INFN Padova and INFN Perugia in 2022 and INFN Firenze, Torino, Bari e Napoli. The richness of this programme has allowed INFN to cover a vast portion of the Italian territory, letting boys and girls from all regions play and have fun with HEPscape!.

The HEPscape! project could not exist without the contribution and the commitment of the many researchers who deal with its set-up and running. A key role is played by the Master and PhD students who serve as moderators of the experience and behind-the-scenes directors. Fellows and young students selected by the local organizing committee of the festivals we participate in also contribute to HEPscape as moderators. INFN plans to further expand the reach of HEPscape by replicating it in Firenze and Trieste. In the drop-down menu you can find links to the local pages for the three HEPscape kits in Rome, Perugia and Padova. Get in touch if you want to invite HEPscape! to your city!