QUAGRAP QUAntum GRAvity theory and Phenomenology
The interface of gravity and quantum mechanics

Scientific activities of the various Research Units


The Bologna unit mainly focused on analogue models and quantum field theory in curved spacetimes. A particularly strong effort is being devoted by the Bologna unit to the study of the recently discovered feature of ìundulationî, which is a zero frequency mode propagating with macroscopic amplitude inside the sonic horizon of analogue black/white holes, leading to potential instability.


The Cagliari unit is mainly focused on the theory and phenomenology of models with spacetime nonommutativity. A particularly strong effort is being devoted by the Cagliari unit to the study of Snyder noncommutativity and other models which lend themselves to the study of the interplay between spacetime curvature and momentum-space curvature.

Roma I

The Roma unit is mainly focused on the theory and phenomenology of models with spacetime nonommutativity and on supergravity theories. A particularly strong effort is being devoted by the Roma unit to the study of the implications for particle reactions of the sort of curvature of momentum space which has been recently shown to provide the dual momentum-space picture of some formalizations of spacetime noncommutativity. Possible implications for the propagation of cosmic-ray protons in the CMBR background are also being investigated.


The Trieste unit is mainly focused on the theory and phenomenology of analogue models and on alternative models for gravity, such as Horava-Lifshitz gravity and models based on Finsler geometry. A particularly strong effort is being devoted to the study of Hawking-like radiation in analogue models (mainly Bose-Einstein condensates) through density correlations functions, also with the objective of providing guidance to future experiments.

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