AAMDA-2025 – Workshop on Advancements in Applied Machine-learning and Data Analytics at ICCSA 2025

Hosted by The 25th International Conference on Computational Science and Its Applications – ICCSA 2025, June 30 – July 3, 2025 in collaboration with the Galatasaray University, Istanbul, Türkiye.
The workshop will bring together practitioners and researchers from both academia and industry, who work in the areas of machine learning and data analytics, in order to have technical presentations on the recent advances in application and implementation in the field of applied Machine Learning and Data Analytics.
The workshop is intended to provide a solid platform for forging relationships and exchange of ideas between the industry and the academic world, through discussions and active collaborations.

Description of the topics of the workshop

  • The workshop will run with a single, half a day, session covering the following topics
  • Architectures for the edge: applications, services, and processingSolutions for Holistic Management
  • Exploration of new applications for Machine Learning and Data Analytics
  • Simulation and emulation techniques, frameworks and platforms
  • Machine Learning for Software Engineering
  • Machine Learning for innovative business models

More details about the ICCSA 2025 Conference can be found in the official web page
Paper submission, author instructions and important dates can be found at the following link https://aamda2025.github.io/workshop/

Alessandro Costantini
Daniele Cesini
Elisabetta Ronchieri
PC members
Alessandro Costantini
Daniele Cesini
Elisabetta Ronchieri
Barbara Martelli
Luca dell’Agnello
Communication and info aamda2025_@_lists.cnaf.infn.it

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