Argo Production@CNAF manual
Some additional notes
Steps to check the status of current Production:
Step 1: look at daily summary file /storage/gpfs_argo1/Users/argoprod/Status/done_report_prodX_asof_YYYYMMDD.txt
Step 2: find runs not completely processed making a query to DB:
argorun --ddates YYYYDDDHHMM-YYYYDDDHHMM --pstat= -1,-2,2
E.g. to find problematic run during the period 2010280-2010294 you can type:
argorun --ddates 2010280-20102942359 --pstat= -1,-2,2
The output of the query is a list of the runs not successfully processed
or not yet completely done (please pay attention to this case: look at jobs status for these run).
Step 3: look at the related directory.
Search for missing or truncated files and
grep the string "SUCCESS MAY BE" in the log file .log.
and select the number of the sub-run to submit.
E.g. if the run 000234-20072341223 has 10 sub-runs
and you find the root file 004-010 is missing or truncated
or the log file _004-010.log has not the string "SUCCESS MAY BE"
or the log file _004-010.log is empty
you have to consider such chunk and submit the corresponding job.
Step 4:
find in /home/ARGO/argoprod/ProdX.Y/RecoTools/config the related .cmd file and type
source batchcmd_000234-20072341223_004-010.cmd