UV Complete Quantum Field Theories for Particle Physics

    The international workshop has been organized by Luca Zambelli, INFN -Bologna unit researcher in the framework of the “NUCES-Natural Ultraviolet Complete Extensions of the Standard Model” project and with the financial support of INFN and of the European Union through the Marie-Curie Cofund Grant “FELLINI-Fellowships for Innovation at INFN” in San Miniato (Pi) (4-6 Sept 2023).

    The meeting had excellent local resonance, also involving the administration and citizens as can be seen from these two articles.

    Other informations can be found at the following links:



    Luca Visinelli won a prestigious position in China.

    Interview on the press: LINK

    Interview to Manoj Kumar Mandal, Fellini fellow of the Pauda division of INFN, published on the Corriere della Sera


    Two recent theoretical studies carried out by Mattia di Mauro, FELLINI fellow of the Turin division of INFN, confirm that dark matter is the most likely source of excess of gamma rays from the galactic center.


     News from AEgIS collaboration -Pulsed production of antihydrogen


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