Coming soon
PON Research and Innovation 2014-2020, project PIR1_0015.
The project aims at improving the capabilities and the facilities of the tandem accelerator of LABEC to strengthen the opportunities of PIXE and PIGE measurements in the framework of the European infrastructure ACTRIS.
Coordinator: Massimo Chiari
Click here for more details.
Research project within PNRA (Programma Nazionale di Ricerche in Antartide). December 2018-December 2022.
Goal of SIDDARTA is the identification of the main emission sources that are responsible for the crustal particulate matter in the Antarctic plateau. In fact aerosol particles coming from different areas, such as South America, South Africa and Australia, show different elemental and isotopic compositions; reconstructing the provenance of such particles in a remote site as the Antarctic allows us to estimate transport mechanisms in the Southern Emisphere, which can give us some important information to study the climate and the palaeoclimate.
National coordinator Silvia Nava.
RHAPS aims at identifying specific properties of particulate matter that are emitted by human activities and can have a toxic action, in order to develop new ways to study possible correlations between pollution and health.
Coordinator: Franco Lucarelli.
VAISAL project: Evaluation of the environmental and health impacts of organic and inorganic pollutants in working contexts, like e.g. industrial plants. December 2020-December 2022.
Coordinator: Franco Lucarelli.