LABEC, the Laboratory of nuclear techniques for Environment and Cultural Heritage, is a high-qualified centre for the development of new technologies based on small particle accelerators and ionizing radiations, and for their applications in environmental contexts and in heritage science. The laboratory is hosted at the Florence unit of INFN (National Institute of Nuclear Physics) and it is jointly managed by INFN and the Department of Physics and Astronomy of the University of Florence.
The investigation of particulate matter (i.e. aerosol) allows us to get information that are useful for researches about climate changes, pollution processes and health.
The studies on the composition of artworks and on radiocarbon dating represent fundamental ways to enhance our knowledge about cultural heritage to better understand and preserve it for the future.
Advanced and innovative materials are the keys for future applications to sensors and quantum technologies, such as data storage and communication.
Particle accelerators, such as the 3 MV tandem electrostatic accelerator and the new MACHINA accelerator, which is at present under development, represent the core of the laboratory activities.
Innovative digital services, both desktop and/or web-based, are developed to support researchers in their work.

Particulate Matter in Arctic: a new study published
A new study on particulate matter in Arctic has been recently published on Nature Geoscience. The research, which LABEC has collaborated to, shows an equal

ARIADNEplus portal
The updated portal of ARIADNE plus is online and it is accessible to archeologists and scholars. ARIADNE plus is a project funded by the European

LABEC at Tourisma with 4CH project
From December 17th to 19th 2021, in Florence, TourismA, the exhibition of archaeology and cultural tourism took place. LABEC presented 4CH, a project funded by