The Milano group is involved in several research topics
- Indirect CP asymmetries in D0 → K– K+ and D0 → π− π+ decays using semileptonic B decays. More recently, we have led the analysis of the decays Λb0 → p π+ π– π+ and Λb0 → K− μ+ μ−.
- Spectroscopy of new baryonic and mesonic states. We are interested in the discovery of new states predicted by the Standard Model, but yet unobserved experimentally. We exploit the large dataset collected by the LHCb experiment to access new final states unexplored.
- Rare decays and the search for exotic multi-quark states. The measurement of the decay Bs0 → J/ψ \rm p \overline{\rm p}pp has produced the most precise measurement of the Bs0 mass to date. It has also opened a promising path to search for pentaquark states in the proton-J/ψ system.
- EDM and MDM of long lived particles. Several analysis activities are linked to the SELDOM project. SELDOM is an ERC funded project to explore new techniques to search for the electric dipole moment (EDM) and measure the magnetic dipole moment (MDM) of heavy unstable particles, particularly charm and strange baryons. The existence of an EDM violates CP symmetry; it is therefore another possible source of CP violation that could explain the matter/anti-matter imbalance problem. As a part of this project, the group has worked out an amplitude analysis and polarisation measurement for the decay Λc+ → p K– π+. The measurement is being carried out for Λc+ baryons produced either promptly or in semi-leptonic decays of a Λb0 baryon, that lead to distinct Λc+ polarisation state expectations.