The TIMESPOT (TIME and SPace real-time Operating Tracker ) aims at the development of a silicon and diamond 3D tracker with timing facilities, inte- grating sensors, electronics and real-time processors, and able to cope with extremely high instantaneous luminosities expected in future experiments (i.e. at Hi-Lumi LHC experiments). Ten INFN sections participates to the TIMEPOST project (Bologna, Cagliari, Genova, Ferrara, Firenze, Milano, Padova, Perugia, Torino, TIFPA).
The project is lead by Adriano Lai (INFN Cagliari) and it is structured in 6 Work Packages:
WP1: Silicon sensors with 3D technology. Coordinator: G. Dalla Betta (TIFPA Trento)
WP2: Diamond sensors with 3D technology. Coordinator: S. Sciortino (LENS and INFN Florence)
WP3: Front-end electronics for pixel readout with timing using 28nm CMOS technology.
Coordinator: V. Liberali (INFN Milano)
WP4: Fast-tracking algorithms and devices. Coordinator: N. Neri (INFN Milano) – click here for further information
WP5: High speed read out boards. Coordinator: A. Gabrielli (INFN Bologna)
WP6: System integration and tests. Coordinator: A. Cardini (INFN Cagliari)