The TIME and SPace real-time Operating Tracker (TIMESPOT) ambitiously aims to develop a complete tracking demonstrator capable of copying with the extremely high instantaneous luminosities foreseen in experiments at at future facilities (e.g. Hi-Lumi HLC).
The project was presented at the 2017 open call of the CNS5 of INFN and has been approved with a budget of about 1M€ over three years (2018-20).
Ten INFN sections are involved (Bologna, Cagliari, Genova, Ferrara, Firenze, Milano,
Padova, Perugia, Torino, TIFPA) with 65 people among physicists and engineers for a total of over 20 FTE.
The demonstrator will include a complete tracking chain, including pixel sensors, front end electronics, data acquisition system and fasst pre-processing algorithms.
TIMESPOT is lead by Adriano Lai (INFN Cagliari) and it is structured in 6 Work Packages: