DYNamical systems and non equilibrium states of
complex SYStems : MATHematical methods and physical concepts
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"Formation of satellites from cold collapse",
Astronomy and Astrophysics 2017; 598:A96
"Thermodynamics of nonadditive systems",
Physical Review Letters 114, 230601 (2015)
"Experimental on-demand recovery of entanglement by local operations within non-Markovian dynamics”,
Scientific Report 5 (2015) 8575
"Anomalous dynamics and the choice of Poincaré recurrence set",
Physical Review E 94, 052222 (2016)
"Cooperative Shielding in Many-Body Systems with Long-Range Interaction",
Physical Review Letters 116, 250402 (2016)
"Local equilibrium in bird flocks",
Nature Physics 2016;12:1153-1157
"Spectral characteristics of steady-state Lévy flights in confinement potential profiles",
Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment, 5 (2016) 054039
"Hierarchical organization of functional connectivity in the mouse brain: a complex network approach",
Scientific Report 2016 6:32060
"A multilayer approach for price dynamics in financial markets",
Eur. Phys. J., Special Topics 226 (2017) 477
"Formation of satellites from cold collapse",
Astronomy and Astrophysics 2017; 598:A96