Beam diagnostic and dosimetry of the ELIMED beam line
ELIMED will be an Users' facility where researchers will have the possibility to irradiate desired samples with well defined and controlled amount of dose released by the laser-accelerated beams. The diagnostic and dosimetric devices, coupled with the sample irradiation system, hence represent a key element of the beam line. The dosimetric system will be composed by detectors dedicated respectively to the relative and theabsolute dose measurements, including passive and online devices. On-line dose detectors will be devoted to relative dosimetry while a Faraday Cup detector will be dedicated to the absolute dose measurements. In particular, for relative dosimetry a secondary emission monitor (SEM) and a multi-gap transmission ionization chamber (IC) will be realized. A sample irradiation system (SIS) will be installed at the end of the in-air section and will permit the automatic and controlled irradiation of samples. Faraday Cup, IC, SEM and the SIS constitute the elements of the ELIMED dosimetric system and their operatively will be ensured by a dedicated software.
Two separated sections of the ELIMED beam line will be devoted to the diagnostics of the laser-accelerated beams. The first one will be placed downstream the collection system at about 2 m from the source and it will consist of a beam emittance detector and a diamond detector used in Time of Flight configuration. The second diagnostics section will be set at the end of the in-vacuum beamline downstream the energy selector and the conventional transport elements at about 9 m from the source and it will be constituted by a second diamond detector.
Thanks to the high radiation hardness, signal to noise-ratio and time resolution, Chemical Vapour Deposition (CVD) diamond detectors have been identified to be the most suitable charged particle detectors to perform the TOF measurement along the ELIMAIA beam line. Using TOF method
this will allow to measure energy and angular spectra and fluency before the energy selector system and the end of the in vacuum section, giving crucial shot to shot information as beam monitoring and as input for the energy selector and for the in air final section, respectively.