Monte Carlo simulations of the ELIMED beamline using the Geant4 toolkit

The whole ELIMED beamline was simulated using the Monte Carlo Geant4 toolkit (see The modular and easily configurable application allowed us to obtain various characteristics of the beam transport system and the response of the dosimetry devices under different beam conditions. This was intensively used during the design and validation phases of many components (such as the energy selector, Faraday cup or beam emittance meter, etc.); the Monte Carlo model results were in agreement with dosimetric measurements (when available) and deterministic charged-particle optics simulations using SIMION (for the transport elements).

The application is still being developed. Apart from adding new components and updating the existing ones when necessary, the main goal is now to prepare an easy-to-use tool that will serve ELIMAIA users in planning their experimental campaigns. In 2017, the whole application including a detailed documentation will be delivered to ELI Beamlines facility


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