FORTE: Fission, Other Reactions and Terra incognita Exploration

FORTE is a nuclear physics-based research of the University of Naples "Federico II" and INFN, Naples, Italy. Researchers involved with FORTE are devoted to the study of the following topics:

  • The Study of reaction mechanisms between heavy ions aimed at the production of superheavy elements, Terra Incognita, and of light exotic nuclei
  • The role of shell effects in reactions between heavy ions plays a decisive role in spontaneous and low-energy fission and in increasing the stability of heavy and superheavy nuclei. 
  • The following processes are of paramount importance and are the main focus of this research program: 1) fission, quasifission, and ternary fission of intermediate mass, heavy, and superheavy nuclei; 2) production mechanisms (multinucleon transfer and surrogate reactions) and properties of exotic neutron-rich species in the unknown nuclear chart regions, including those of astrophysical interest.
  • Development of a GEANT4 code to simulate the decay process in various geometry of the setups like CORSET, TOSCA, etc


  • FORTE research group is led by: 

    Professor Emanuele Vardaci

    Department of Physics, University of Naples “Federico II” 

    and National Institute for Nuclear Physics – INFN, Naples, Italy, 

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