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Thesis works
Available topics
- Test and characterization of Monolithic Active Pixel Sensors (MAPS) prototypes, including performance assessment and radiation damage tolerance
- Development of electronic readout systems for pixel detectors, with specific focus on hardware and firmware, including system hardening against radiation effects
- Simulation (software development) of advanced sensors with timing capabilities, including physics transport (geant), electronic response (verilog/system c) and data management (c++/python).
Acquired skills
- Designing a state-of-the-art sensor setup, with the possibility to design PCB, electronocs, and firmware (FPGA programming, verilog / VHDL).
- Installation and operation of measurement setups at accelerator beamlines (facilities across Europe) and/or irradiation machines (x-rays).
- Particles through matter interaction simulation, with charge collection and signal shaping (GEANT, Fluka).
- Electronic and system behavioral simulation with realistic time structure (verilog / system c).
- Software development (c++, python) for data acquisition, analysis and representation.

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GRIT activities
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