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- Written by Giovanni Punzi
- Category: Articles
- Hits: 1455
Presentation about the Pentaquark (Giovanni Punzi) as part of the BRIGHT initiative.
Each year about 10.000 high school students in 40 countires come to one of about 200 nearby universities or research centres for one day in order to unravel the mysteries of particle physics. Lectures from active scientists give insight in topics and methods of basic research at the fundaments of matter and forces, enabling the students to perform measurements on real data from particle physics experiments themselves. At the end of each day, like in an international research collaboration, the participants join in a video conference for discussion and combination of their results.
International Masterclasses 2016 took place from 11.2. - 23.3.2016 and the Scuola Normale Superiore, the INFN Sezione di Pisa, and the Physics Department of University of Pisa jointly hosted the LHCb international Masterclass on February 18th and on March 2nd. Details and program can be found here, while some pictures of the event here. Slides of the presentations can be found here: slides.
International Masterclasses 2014 took place from 12.3. - 12.4.2014 and the INFN Sezione di Pisa hosted the LHCb international Masterclass on March 17th. Details and program can be found here.
The Pisa group in LHCb
The LHCb-Pisa group has been founded in June 2012. Its members however have many years of previous experience in the field of hadronic flavor physics, from having participated to CDF, BABAR, and other experiments holding important responsibilities, including convenership of physics groups, leadership of crucial measurements (e.g. discovery of Bs mixing), and important components of detector and trigger, and even being esperiment spokespersons. We choose to join the LHCb collaboration because we consider it the current most promising experiment in the field, and our goal as a group is to contribute to its greatest success.
The Pisa group includes staff from the local Dipartimento di Fisica, Scuola Normale Superiore, and Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare, and is part of the larger italian participation to the experiment, sponsored by the INFN, and represents more than 15% of the whole collaboration, currently holding important detector responsibilities, and has expressed the former collaboration spokesperson (P. Campana).
We are interested in many aspects of flavor physics, but particularly in CP violation, rare decays, precision measurements at high statistics, CKM angles, tracking, and the trigger - see here for the list of our current activities in LHCb. A few of us are also involved in R&D activities for ultra-fast track reconstruction for future experiment (see the INFN-RETINA project).
The current members of our group are listed here.
Group Leader: Prof. Giovanni Punzi
- PISA: Polo Fibonacci, Ed. C, Office 236 - Tel. +39 050 2214 428
- CERN: Meyrin site, Office 13-2-044 - Tel. +41 22 76 76418
- Details
- Written by Giovanni Punzi
- Category: Articles
- Hits: 560
Track Processor Unit
Press Release
Some article about the TPU, a.k.a. the artificial retina.