The scope of the workshop is to stimulate a constructive scientific discussion on electromagnetic dipole measurements of unstable particles proposed for the LHC. In particular for charm and strange baryons and tau leptons. The theoretical, experimental and machine aspects of the proposal will be reviewed and critically discussed in preparation of a future experiment.
The meeting will touch few main topics:
- electric and magnetic dipole moments of baryons and leptons;
- channeling and spin precession in bent crystals;
- a new fixed-target experiment at the LHC with bent crystals;
- spin precession in the LHCb magnet;
- experimental techniques for reconstruction of long-lived particles.

Indico pages:
1) June 20, at 16:00:
2) June 21, at 10:00:
3) June 24, at 15:00:
4) June 27, at 15:00:
5) June 28, at 10:00:
6) July 1, at 15:00:

Abstract: The LHCb experiment took data during the Run 1 and 2 of the LHC, between 2011 and 2018
and recorded more than 9 fb-1 of data that are used to perform measurements mainly for
heavy flavour physics. I will explain what challenges were met during data taking,
how they were addressed to be able to run in the end with higher instantaneous
luminosity than the one for which the experiment was designed. The efficiency and stability
of the data taking were also improved over the years in order to obtain the high quality data
sample available now.
Indico page:

Professor Christine Aidala
Lectures on QCD and Baryon Polarization.
Further information are available at the following link:

The scope of the workshop is to stimulate a constructive scientific discussion on electromagnetic dipole measurements of unstable particles proposed for the LHC, in particular for charm and strange baryons and tau leptons.
The theoretical, experimental and machine aspects of the proposal will be reviewed and critically discussed in preparation of a future experiment.
The meeting will touch few main topics: 1) electric and magnetic dipole moments of baryons and leptons; 2) channeling and spin precession in bent crystals; 3) spin precession in the LHCb magnet; 4) experimental techniques for reconstruction of long-lived particles.