Magnet Network
Network Introduction
For many years there has been a well-established set of INFN laboratories dealing with superconducting magnets and a series of associated technologies. In particular, the INFN can count on three laboratories with long experience in the field of superconductivity applied in cables and magnets and already working in a partially integrated manner. These are the laboratories in Genoa, Milan and Naples/Salerno. In addition to these laboratories, there are a number of facilities within the INFN that deal with various technologies related to superconducting magnets, e.g. the Frascati Laboratories, the Legnaro Laboratories and the Southern Laboratories.
Stefania Farinon (Genoa Section, INFN)
Labs and people involved
- Stefania Farinon (INFN-GE)
- Andrea Bersani (INFN-GE)
- Alessandra Pampaloni (INFN-GE)
- Lucio Rossi (INFN-MI-LASA)
- Massimo Sorbi (INFN-MI-LASA)
- Marco Statera (INFN-MI-LASA)
Network Goals
Consolidation of Competencies
- Combine and coordinate the skills and resources of the various INFN laboratories working on superconducting magnets and associated technologies.
- Create a common platform for sharing knowledge and best practices between the various laboratories.
Advanced Research and Development
- Promoting collaborative and interdisciplinary research projects aimed at innovation in superconducting magnets and associated technologies.
Training and Professional Development
- Organise training courses, workshops and seminars for researchers and technical staff, with the aim of updating skills and promoting the exchange of ideas.
- Support the training of young researchers through scholarships and PhD programmes.
Technology Transfer and Collaboration with Industry
- Facilitate the transfer of technologies developed in INFN laboratories to industry by promoting partnerships with companies in the sector.
- Identify and develop industrial applications of superconducting magnets in sectors such as energy, medicine and transport.
Dissemination of Results
- Publish and disseminate research results through scientific articles, conferences and other communication platforms.
- Create a network of contacts and collaborations with other national and international research institutions.
Innovation and Sustainability
- Promote the development of sustainable and innovative technologies that can contribute to the reduction of environmental impact.
- Integrate sustainability considerations into research projects and industrial applications.