Vacuum Network

Network Introduction

Make available and transfer basic and advanced knowledge on vacuum and ultra-vacuum technology, system sizing and diagnostics.


Carlo Roncolato (LNL)

Labs and people involved

  • Andrea Conte (LNL)
  • Andrea Liedl (LNF)
  • Carlo Roncolato (LNL)
  • Daniele Sertore (LASA)
  • Davide Siliato (LNS)
  • Laura Marini (LNGS)
  • Loris Antoniazzi (LNL)
  • Matthias Bernhard Junker (LNGS)
  • Paolo Gorla (LNGS)
  • Rocco Paparella (LASA)

Network Goals

  1. Organising a nationwide vacuum school shared between the workshops
  2. Advisory Board and discussion for participation in National and International projects
  3. Sharing list of companies, suppliers, catalogue components, request for update/inclusion of components on national convention lists with relevant experience with specifications
  4. Main equipment at the various units (to be used at other units), skills, ISO standards, manuals
  5. Blank teaching material (course links)
  6. Discussion forum