

Modern Nuclear Physics aims at a detailed understanding of the strong force to describe the nuclear system and how it interacts. There is no Standard Model for the atomic nucleus yet, and some of the reaction mechanisms happening in modern reactors and in the stars are not fully understood. Nevertheless, our comprehension of the atomic nucleus has advanced tremendously in the last century, allowing for the development of many nuclear technologies influencing our daily lives. Our research group works at different levels of nuclear physics, exploring the fermi-scale realm (i.e., the millionth of a billionth of a meter!). Also, we use the atomic nucleus as a quantum-physics laboratory to study the physics of fundamental interactions and astrophysics. We are particularly specialized in developing advanced technologies for detecting ionizing radiation, and related electronics.


Check out the Nuclear Physics courses offered by our group at the University of Florence and the opportunities for theses. We strongly believe in Art. 33 of the Italian constitution: "Art and Science are free, and free is their teaching". The Nuclear Physics group of Florence does not discriminate for sex, religion, political beliefs, sexual orientation, sexual identity or else. Everyone is welcome.


We are involved in several outreach activities at all levels. From kids to high-school age, to the general public. Contact us if you want to learn more about Nuclear Physics and have fun while doing it.