Padova GRIT

The Padova Group for Radiation Imaging and Tracking
The Padova Group for Radiation Imaging and Tracking focuses on the development and application of highly innovative detectors and electronics in the field of radiation imaging, ranging from from the particles produced in High Energy Physics experiments and the cosmic radiation studied by spacecrafts, to the protons and x-rays used by modern medical instruments and industrial systems. GRIT is a synergistic effort by INFN Padova and Padova University.

Research activities

HEP Pixels
The ALICE ITS3 R&D will implement the most advanced and daring pixels tracker ever conceived for HEP experiments. Extremely innovative solutions are brought together to achieve ultimate performance.

Medical Imaging
The iMPACT project is realizing a proton Computed Tomography scanner, which allows rendering 3D images of the human body with improved tissues resolution, while at the same time reducing the radiation dose to the patient.

Detectors R&D
In the ARCADIA R&D collaboration novel technical solutions and architectures are applied to CMOS pixel detector to push the limit for power saving, speed, and large area performances.

CT for Industry
A collaboration with the Industry toward the improvement of present Computed Tomography state-of-the-art, aiming to develop faster, simpler, and more cost-effective CT system for industrial applications.

The SIRAD beamline at the INFN Legnaro National Laboratories Tandem accelerator has been designed to perform radiation damage studies over a wide range of device (ESA irradiation chamber) with protons (up to 28 MeV) and heavy ions (up to Au 275 MeV)

The X-RAYs facility uses a Seifert RP-149 machine for total dose studies. It is optimised for X-ray diffraction analysis, with a maximum power 3000 W, 60 kV maximum voltage, tungsten anode, 0.3 mm Be inherent filtration, and a 6 degree take off angle.

Devices characterization
The group has several workstations for semiconductors characterisation, including LCR meter, spectrum analyzer, two enclosed probe stations. Two bonding machines and several support tools allows die bonding and gluing.
The team
The Padova GRIT group encompasses people from Padova University, INFN Padova, and collaborators from other universities and reserach institutions. Undergraduate and graduate students as well are key members of the team, and participate to all the activities, from theoretical model to on-the-field measurements.
We are part of several national and international projects, and we collaborate with many national and international research institution, including CERN, FNAL, PSI, …
The Mission
Radiation, in the form of particles, is a basic constituent of our world. Rendering particles position in space allow creating 2D and 3D images of the what surrounds us, from atoms collisions within the world largest accelerator at CERN to 3D images of human organs taken by proton illumination. Tracking the particles motion further enhance the available information, leading to advanced representations of the physical objects under investigation, like density and other properties.
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Track records
The GRIT group has 20+ year long history of R&D work in solid state detectors, including:
- Development of innovative Monolithic Active Pixel Sensors
- Development of tracking and calorimetric systems for both physics and medica applications
- Radiation hardness studies on microelectronic devices and sensors
- Support electronics for sensors and systems readout