
Ferrara University Radiochemistry, radiopharmacy and preclinical imaging
Padova University Dosimetry, nuclear modeling and preclinical imaging
Pavia University. Nuclear modeling and targetry
Milano University Nuclear cross section measurements, nuclear modeling and radiochemistry
Istituto Oncologico Veneto Dosimetry, radiopharmacy and preclinical imaging; Convenzione INFN-IOV (2020-2025)
Sacro Cuore Don Calabria hospital Irradiation runs with the 19 MeV proton-energy cyclotron, radiochemistry, radiopharmacy and imaging with clinical gamma-camera. Accordo Quadro INFN-Ospedale SCDC (2020-2024)
Sant’Orsola hospital Irradiation runs with the 16 MeV proton-energy cyclotron, radiochemistry, radiopharmacy and imaging with clinical gamma-camera.
GIP ARRONAX Irradiation runs with the 70 MeV proton-energy cyclotron (35 MeV deuterons and 68 MeV alpha beams), nuclear cross section measurements, targetry, radiochemistry and radiopharmacy. Memorandum of Understanding LNL – ARRONAX (2023-2026)
Wisconsin University Targetry. Agreement LNL-Wisconsin University (2020-2025)
i-Themba laboratories Nuclear cross section measurements, targetry, radiochemistry. Agreement INFN – iThemba lab (2022-2024)
PRISMAP consortium LARAMED and ISOLPHARM at the INFN-LNL included as emerging facilities for medical radionuclides production
Bern laboratory Irradiation runs with the 18 MeV proton cyclotron, nuclear cross section measurements