LARAMED past/running satellite projects
Radionuclide Main application and project
99mTcCover 80% of all imaging procedures worldwide. We have developed an  alternative (direct) supply route through hospital cyclotrons. APOTEMA & TECHN-OSP
67CuEmerging radionuclides for Theranostic, also in combination with 61/64Cu
 (new production routes). COME, CUPRUM_TTD and INTEFF_TOTEM
47ScEmerging radionuclide for Theranostic, also in combination with 43/44gSc
 (new production routes). PASTA, E_PLATE and REMIX
52/51MnAllowing a molecular fusion of PET with MRI in combination  with stable paramagnetic Mn isotopes. METRICS
155TbEmerging radionuclide for Theranostic, also in combination with 149/152/161Tb. REMIX and APHRODITE-155
R&D  on new High Power Target concepts and tailored  radiochemistry solutions. STARDIS