RILAB radiochemistry lab
The “RILAB Radiochemistry laboratory” is located at the second floor of the SPES building. Its layout is planned to cover all the radiochemical processing aspects and design to carry out R&D activities on radioisotope production, separation/purification, and to perform all the quality control procedures according to the European Pharmacopoeia.

The hot-cell already installed (Figure) will be soon connected to the bunker dedicated to the irradiation of high-power solid targets (link al bunker) with a pneumatic transfer system, to automatically deliver the activated material after the proton irradiation. Additional hot-cells are foreseen in the laboratory, and they will be also connected through the pneumatic system to the same RILAB bunker.

- Total surface : ~ 300 m2
- Construction characteristics: modular clean rooms with wall and ceiling galvanized powder coated steel panel 0.7-0.8 mm thick, class “D” requirements (standards UNI 10491), differential room pressure up to 50 Pa.
- Floor coated with high thickness PVC