Information about which data is available at CNAF, be it raw data or processed data, or MonteCarlo, can be obtained by querying the PostGres database argoprod. The database is defined on the UserInterface and can be accessed directly by connecting as the non-privileged account argouser (password is same as the userId).
What said above is of interest only to somewhat specialized people. For general use, a couple of scripts have been prepared: argoonl and argorun (this latter one still has to be completed, though...)
Information about Argo raw data: argoonl
If you have setup your account according to the guidelines, you will find this script in your PATH.
Quoting from the output of
argoonl -h
Usage: argoonl < options >
Queries ARGO database
Options (only the ones which work are listed):
--runs : list only runs matching comma-separated
patterns; ex. 200601,200512012,00011234
--dates < string1 >[-< string2 >] : if called with one string, select runs
taken after date, if called with two
strings (separated by a '-') select runs
between < string1 > and < string2 >. Strings
can be 1 to 13 characters long, in the
--showfiles : show also logical name of relevant DATA
--castor : relevant only if --showfiles is selected:
prepend Castor@CNAF logical basename
--shownote : show also content of NOTE field
--debug : print a lot of useless stuff
--help : this message
Following, a few examples:
- argoonl --runs 200501
- Select runs taken between day 100 and 199 of year 2005
- argoonl --runs 200501,20043,2006012
- Select runs taken between day 100 and 199 of year 2005, or after day 300 of 2004, or on day 12 of 2006
- argoonl --dates 20051821
- Argument(s) for option "dates" are 0-padded to 13 characters and interpreted as YYYYMMDDHHmmSS. This example will select runs taken on day 182 of 2005 after 10:00:00
- argoonl --dates 200518-20052 --showfiles
- Select runs taken from day 180 to day 200 (at 00:00:00, so really up to day 199), showing for each entry the relevant data files
- argoonl --dates 200518-20052 --showfiles --castor
- Same as above, but prepend Castor basedir to each file's logical name, so the resulting strings are suitable to be used with "rfcp"
Information about Argo reconstructed data: argorun
nformation about which data is available at CNAF, be it raw data or processed data, or MonteCarlo, can be obtained by querying the PostGres database
argoprod. The database is defined on the UserInterface and can be accessed directly by connecting as the non-privileged account
argouser (password is same as the userId).
What said above is of interest only to somewhat specialized people. For general use, a couple of scripts have been prepared:
argoonl and
argorun (this latter one still has to be completed, though...)
Information about Argo raw data: argoonl
If you have setup your account according to the guidelines, you will find this script in your PATH.
Quoting from the output of
argoonl -h
Usage: argoonl < options >
Queries ARGO database
Options (only the ones which work are listed):
--runs : list only runs matching comma-separated
patterns; ex. 200601,200512012,00011234
--dates < string1 >[-< string2 >] : if called with one string, select runs
taken after date, if called with two
strings (separated by a '-') select runs
between < string1 > and < string2 >. Strings
can be 1 to 13 characters long, in the
--showfiles : show also logical name of relevant DATA
--castor : relevant only if --showfiles is selected:
prepend Castor@CNAF logical basename
--shownote : show also content of NOTE field
--debug : print a lot of useless stuff
--help : this message
Following, a few examples:
- argoonl --runs 200501
- Select runs taken between day 100 and 199 of year 2005
- argoonl --runs 200501,20043,2006012
- Select runs taken between day 100 and 199 of year 2005, or after day 300 of 2004, or on day 12 of 2006
- argoonl --dates 20051821
- Argument(s) for option "dates" are 0-padded to 13 characters and interpreted as YYYYMMDDHHmmSS. This example will select runs taken on day 182 of 2005 after 10:00:00
- argoonl --dates 200518-20052 --showfiles
- Select runs taken from day 180 to day 200 (at 00:00:00, so really up to day 199), showing for each entry the relevant data files
- argoonl --dates 200518-20052 --showfiles --castor
- Same as above, but prepend Castor basedir to each file's logical name, so the resulting strings are suitable to be used with "rfcp"
Information about Argo reconstructed data: argorun