The batch system installed at CNAF is LSF. For your convenience, a summary of the most common options is presented below. More information can be found in the LSF manual (see the "Documents" section).
Submission host and available queues
Jobs can be submitted from the front-end machine ui01-lcg as well from the worker nodes, which means that you can also submit jobs from within a batch job: not clear why you would ever want to do this, though.Argo has, at the moment, only one queue named
: being the only one, it will be the default queue your jobs will go, so there is no need to specify it.
Submitting a job: bsub
- bsub myJob
- submit the executable command/script myJob to the default queue: it is possible to pass an executable followed by its input parameters, like "executable tclFile.tcl". The system will answer with a message containing the jobId.
- bsub -q argo myJob
- submit job to queue "argo"
- bsub -J aTest myJob
- submit job myJob to default queue and assign name "aTest": this is the name which will be presented by the bjobs command.
- bsub -R "mem > 1000"
- restrict submission of job myJob to nodes offering at least 1000 MB of RAM memory
- bsub -e errfile.txt -o outfile.txt myJob
- write stderr on file errfile.txt and stdout on file outfile.txt
- bsub -f "/home/ARGO/user/MyWork/myFile.root < /data/myFile.root" myJob
- at end of job, transfer file /data/myFile.root on execution host to "/home/ARGO/user/MyWork/myFile.root" on submission host: make sure the destination directory "/home/ARGO/user/MyWork/" exists before you submit your job
Checking jobs: bjobs
- bjobs
- show all your jobs, in any state they might be (running, pending, whatever)
- bjobs <jobId>
- show info about job <jobId>
- bjobs -l <jobId>
- show extended information on job <jobId>
- bjobs -u user
- show jobs owned by user user
- bjobs -a
- also show recently finished jobs
- bjobs -r
- only show running jobs
- bjobs -p
- only show pending jobs
Killing jobs: bkill
- bkill <jobID>
- Kill job number <jobId>
- bkill 0
- Kill ALL running and pending jobs you own: very powerful!