Research activities [PAGE UNDER CONSTRUCTION]  

For Triennale and Master thesis proposals please go to the official page of UNIPD. For PhD project please contact directly the researcher. 


Flavor Physics 

For details please contact: E. Lusiani, M. Margoni, P. Ronchese, F. Simonetto

At the LHC, b-quarks are produced abundantly, both directly and through t-quark decay. Studying their production and decay properties offers a valuable tool in the search for "New Physics". Precise measurements of several quantities relevant to b-decays, when compared with Standard Model predictions, can reveal discrepancies that may indicate the presence of undiscovered phenomena. These measurements can also provide clues for the direct search for heavy new particles. Among the quantities most closely studied by the CMS group in Padova, both
currently and in the past, are:

  • the search for rare decays and the measurement of their branching ratios;
  • (parameters in the angular distribution of decay products;
  • the measurement of fundamental symmetry violations, such as CP violation, in both inclusive and exclusive decays.

Specifically, the latest result was achieved almost entirely in Padova by exploiting novel techniques. A few years ago, a preliminary measurement was presented during a "CMS Physics Briefing" at CERN: Probing matter-antimatter asymmetry with Artificial Intelligence

The Physics of the Higgs boson

Higgs and Z bosons rare decays to J/Ψ meson and a photon 

For details please contact: M. Zanetti, A. Zucchetta, J. Pazzini

Search for the Higgs decay to a pair of muons in the VBF production mode 

For details please contact: M. Tosi, P. Bortignon 

The Physics of the Standard Model

Vector Boson Scattering and Anomalous Couplings

For details please contact: P. Azzi 

Associated production of Top quark with Heavy Vector Bosons 

For details please contact: Prof. U. Gasparini

The  simultaneous production of top particles and heavy gauge bosons at the Large Hadron Collider gives interesting information on the gauge couplings; the measurement of the relevant cross sections is an important test of the Standard Model (SM) theory of fundamental interactions, and opens a window on possible new physics beyond the SM. The optimal capability of the CMS detector at the LHC for reconstructing  and identifying  leptons and jets initiated from b-quarks gives the possibility to study the involved physics processes with unprecedented sensitivity  

Searches for Physics Beyond the Standard Model 

 Search for new physics signals with unsupervised anomaly detection techniques

Advanced statistical methods

Optimization of design of experimental apparata and measurement techniques

For details contact: T. Dorigo, M. Tosi