We would like to announce the second joint FCC France&Italy workshop that will take place at Palazzo Franchetti, in Venice from 4-6th of November 2024. 
Further informations will appear on the indico page: https://agenda.infn.it/event/37960/

In 2020 CERN started a feasibility study for the construction of a Future Circular Collider (FCC) in the Geneva region with a circumference of about 100 km. An e+e- collider (FCC-ee), covering the energy range from the Z pole up to the top pair production threshold is the first step to collect incredible statistics of the heaviest particles of the SM. The FCC integrated project, that includes the hadron collider FCC-hh, offers an incredible discovery potential with a careful mixture of precision measurements sensitive to very weak couplings or to very heavy objects, and very high energies where the new heavy particle could be directly produced. 
During this 5 year process, toward the preparation of a document for the next European Strategy for Particle Physics, it is important to perform all the studies needed to design detector concepts able to satisfy the needs of the extensive physics program and this workshop happens at a crucial time in the process. 
In this workshop, the current status of the most recent advances in the R&D for the accelerator and detectors, will be presented. In addition, there will be sessions dedicated to the experimental and theoretical developments for the various physics topics, from Higgs and electroweak precision measurements to flavour physics (including top) and BSM sensitivities. Plenary sessions will be devoted to overall summaries of the current status of the various aspects, while the parallel sessions will focus on specific areas. 
The workshop aims at intensifying French and Italian collaboration and participation to the FCC feasibility study through detailed studies on physics possibilities and the constraints that these entail on the detectors, and through accelerator and detector concepts studies and R&D.
The workshop will happen at a crucial time towards the preparation of the final document to be provided as input to the next European Strategy so we look forward to new inputs and contributions from the community at large.
Best regards,

Patrizia Azzi for the organising committee 
Paolo Giacomelli, FCC Italy National Responsible
Gregorio Bernardi, FCC France National Responsible 

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