Announcing the 2023 ICFA Instrumentation Awards
From: Stuart Henderson, Chair ICFA, 
Date: 21 December, 2022
Dear Colleagues,
ICFA is pleased to announce the 2023 ICFA Instrumentation Awards. The Awards are bestowed annually to recognize exceptional contributions to instrumentation that has advanced the field of particle physics.
The ICFA Instrumentation Early Career Award recognizes achievements in instrumentation made at  an early career stage by an individual, or group of individuals,  that has the promise to make, or has already made, an advance in the field of particle physics.  The early career stage is taken to be 15 years from the award of the Ph.D. or other terminal degree, properly accounting for career interruptions. 
The ICFA Instrumentation Award recognizes achievements in instrumentation by an individual, or a group of individuals, that has made an advance in the field of particle physics. This award recognizes either a technology development (examples from the past include the Multi-Wire Proportional Chamber or the Bubble chamber) or a multi-faceted contribution including a technology development and also one or more of the following: community organization, training, outreach or  technology transfer.
Submission Process
Individuals or groups of individuals are to be nominated by Noon (Central European Time) February 28, 2023 a are not permitted. The nomination package must include the following: 
- A nomination letter of not more than 10,000 characters;
- A biographical sketch or CV for each individual included in the nomination;
- A list of the most important publications pertaining to the nomination; 
- At least two, but not more than three supporting letters of not more than 5,000 characters each.
Nominations will remain active for three years.  A nominator may view their nomination made in a previous year at the above page from the sidebar option "Edition 2022”.   The particle physics community is diverse and global, so the nominees should reflect this. The nomination of women and other underrepresented groups in the particle physics community is therefore strongly encouraged.
Award Ceremony
The 2023 Award recipients will be invited to give a lecture at Technology and Instrumentation in Particle Physics (TIPP), 4-8 September, 2023, Cape Town, South Africa.
For the following two editions of the awards, the lectures will be held at: 
- 16th Pisa Meeting on Advanced Detectors in Isola d’Elba, 2024;
- Vienna Instrumentation Conference, 2025.

Review and selection process
The review committee for the 2023 awards will be drawn from a pool consisting of members of the ICFA Instrumentation, Innovation and Development Panel and other instrumentation experts. The composition of the committee will be announced soon. 
For questions about the awards please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. (Chair of the ICFA Instrumentation, Innovation and Development Panel, ).
Stuart Henderson
Chair, ICFA
S. Henderson (Chair, USA),  T. Schoerner-Sadenius (Secretary, Germany), K. Jakobs, F. Gianotti, B. Heinemann (CERN Member States), L. Merminga, S. Dasu (USA), I. Koop, V. Obraztsov (Russia), Y. Wang (China),  G. Taylor, I. Bediaga, S. Krishnagopal, (Other Countries), T. Mori, M. Yamauchi (Japan), M. Roney (Canada), F. Canelli (Chair of the IUPAP Commission on Particles and Fields (ex officio)).
ICFA Instrumentation, Innovation and Development Panel 
Didier Contardo (Lyon), Marcel Demarteau (ORNL), Bonnie Fleming (Yale), Francesco Forti (Pisa), Kazunori Hanagaki (KEK), Gerardo Herrera Corral (CINVESTAV), Peter Krizan (Ljubljana/JSI), Gobinda Majumder (TIFR), Petra Merkel (FNAL), Eugenio Nappi (Bari), Inkyu Park (Seoul), Fabrice Retière (TRIUMF), Felix Sefkow (DESY), Ian Shipsey (Chair, Oxford), Yuriy Tikhonov (BINP),  Hongbo Zhu (IHEP).

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