The sixth electron-cloud workshop, ECLOUD’18, will take place from 3 to 7 June, 2018 at La Biodola (Isola d’Elba) Italy. The existence of the electron-cloud effects (ECE’s) has been firmly established experimentally at essentially all modern positron and hadron storage rings, either via performance limitations or by deliberate provocation. The ECE is a consequence of the strong coupling between a positively charged particle beam and a cloud of electrons that inevitably develops inside the vacuum chamber. Resulting deleterious effects include beam instabilities, beam losses, emittance growth, increases in vacuum pressure, additional heat load on the vacuum chamber walls, and interference with certain types of beam diagnostics.
Read more at: agenda.infn.it
This site is intented for display images from the event.
Note: all images are with reduced size.
Last update 7th January 2020
Info: ecloud2018@lists.lnf.infn.it