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IFMIF EVEDA (International Fusion Material Irradiation Facility-Engineering Validation and Design Activity) is part of the international program for the test of the materials for the reactors based on Nuclear Fusion. Within this project INFN has in charge the construction of a linear structure of RFQ kind (Radio Frequency Quadrupole) able to accelerate 130 mA of deuterons up to 5 MeV. Padova, Torino and Bologna sections are together with LNL in charge of this realization. This structure is part of a prototype accelerator (named LIPAc, Linear IFMIF Prototype  Accelerator) that is installed in the Broader Approach site in Rokkasho (north of Japan).
The main control system is based on EPICS framework in order to guarantee high level of integration among the different sub-systems constituting the linear accelerator. As consequence the RFQ Local Control System (RFQ LCS) realized in Legnaro and already installed in Rokkasho has been designed to optimize reliability, robustness, availability, to optimize reliability, robustness, availability, safety and performance minimizing all the costs related to it.

 The control system architecture realizes a 3-layer structure where each layer defines a proper hosts group:
  • equipment directly connected to the apparatus/li>
  • control devices
  • Human-Machine Interface

EPICS provides the interface among the layers providing monitoring and supervision for any equipment composing the low level layer, implementing the algorithmic required for the control and providing to the higher layer (client services and operator interfaces) the information required to operate with the apparatus.

The RFQ is composed by many kinds of subsystems (radio frequency, vacuum, water cooling, etc.) developed using different hardware solutions. As consequence every part of this structure must be properly integrated to obtain the desired degree of control.

According to the gudelines and technical rules provoded by the Collaboration, the system has been designed and realized using these assumptions:

  • VME system is used where the acquisition speed rate is crucial;
  • PLC hardware is chosen in tasks where security is the most critical feature;
  • Common hardware (such as embedded systems) is chosen when only integration is required
The entire LCS has been implemented for being both a standalone architecture and part of a more complex system. This approach lets engineers and scientists have a degree of freedom during RFQ Power Tests performed in Legnaro and during the RFQ integration process in IFMIF-EVEDA facility in Rokkasho. Actually the system is completely installed and integrated in the main LIPAc control architecture, tested and under operation.
The first beam injection into the RFQ has been succesfully achieved on June 13th 2018.
First Beam Injection into IFMIF-EVEDA RFQ.

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INFN - Laboratori Nazionali di Legnaro
viale dell'Universita' 2
35020 Legnaro - PD

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